1 Administrators of Personal Data

1.1 The Data Administrators are:

1.1.1 Darco Sp.z o.o.  with its registered office in Dębica, number 43 Metalowców Street, 39-200, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under number 170668, NIP 8722177114, The National Official Register of Business Entities – REGON 691758322, share capital 800,000.00 PLN.

1.2 Contact in matters of personal data protection will be available through the address: 

1.3 Darco Sp. z o.o. is responsible for the processing of personal data related to the processing of the order, as well as for storing and securing personal data and processing for marketing purposes.

1.4 The Administrator undertakes to make every effort to maintain adequate security of the processed personal data.

2 Purpose and legal basis of data processing

2.1 The legal basis for the processing of personal data by the Data Administrator is Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: “RODO”), as well as other applicable laws.

2.2 Legal grounds for processing:

(a) Article 6(1)(b) and (c) RODO for the performance of a contract or the fulfilment of a contractual action taken at the request of the data subject and for the fulfilment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Data Administrators.

(b) Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO in order to pursue legitimate interests pursued by the Data Administrator or by a third party who processes data under the authority of the Data Administrators

c) Article 6(1)(a) RODO for direct marketing of the products and services of entities cooperating with the Data Administrator,

2.3 The direct marketing referred to in para. 2.2. may be carried out by the Data Administrator by means of electronic communication, telecommunication terminal equipment and automatic calling devices (after obtaining the appropriate consent).

2.4 The Data Administrators, for the purposes indicated above, collect and process the following personal data of the User: name and surname, delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address. In the event that the User wishes to receive an invoice for the purchased products, the data necessary for issuing the invoice will also be collected and processed, i.e. the User’s company, business address, NIP number, REGON number.

3. Legitimate interests pursued by the Administrators or by a third party who processes data under the authority of the Data Administrators.

3.1 The Data Administrators or a third party processes personal data on the basis of the following legitimate interests:

3.1.1. Ensuring security of personal data protection;

3.1.2. Direct marketing of its own products and services;

3.1.3. Preventing fraud;

3.1.4. Securing claims of the Data Administrator;

4 Recipients of the data

4.1 The collected personal data will be available to the Administrator’s contractors, with the use of which the Administrator performs its services, tool suppliers, service providers supporting marketing activities and the activity of the Data Administrator, as well as other recipients insofar if the necessity to transfer the data results from the provisions of the law.

5 Transfer of personal data to a third country or international organisation

5.1 Personal data may be transferred to recipients in countries outside the European Union in the following cases:

5.1.1. If this is necessary for the performance of a contract or for taking action in connection with the conclusion of a contract;

5.1.2. Within the framework of technical solutions favoured by the Administrator (cloud computing, email, hosting);

5.1.3. When the User has given his/her consent.

6 Period of storage of personal data

6.1 Personal data provided to the Administrator shall be stored for the following periods:

6.1.1 Personal data processed for the purpose of concluding or performing the contract and fulfilling the Administrator’s legal obligations will be stored for the duration of the contract, and thereafter for the period related to the Users’ warranty and the Administrator’s possible right to secure or claim receivables from the User, as well as for the purpose of fulfilling the Administrators’ legal obligations (e.g. tax settlements).

6.1.2 Personal data processed for the purposes of marketing the Administrators’ own products and services in accordance with the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator or a third party shall be processed until the data subject objects.

6.1.3 Personal data processed on the basis of a separate consent will be processed until revoked.

7 Rights of the User

7.1 The User has the right to request from the Data Administrator access to his/her personal data, their rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, the right to object to the processing (concerns personal data referred to in point 2.2(b)), as well as the right to data portability (e.g. transfer to another data administrator).

7.2 If the Administrator does not act on the data subject’s request, the Administrator shall promptly – at the latest within one month of receipt of the request – inform the data subject of the reasons for not acting and of the possibility of lodging a complaint to the supervisory authority (President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data) and of exercising legal remedies before a court.

7.3 Where consent has been given for the processing of personal data as referred to in para. 2.2(c), the User shall have the right to withdraw such consent at any time, provided that such withdrawal shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.

7.4 Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, every data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, his or her place of work or the place where the alleged infringement was committed, if he or she believes that the processing of personal data relating to him or her is in breach of data protection legislation.

7.5 Without prejudice to available administrative or non-judicial remedies, including the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with para. 7.4, every data subject shall have the right to an effective remedy before a court if he or she considers that the processing of personal data concerning him or her violates data protection legislation.

7.6 The User shall exercise the rights set out in this clause, including directing requests for the deletion of personal data (User’s account) via e-mail to: The Administrator shall without undue delay, no later than within one month from the date of receipt of the User’s request, consider the request and provide a response. In a special case, if the request is of a complicated nature or the Administrator has received a large number of requests, the Administrator may announce an extension of the deadline for processing the request by up to another two months. In order to process the request, the Administrator shall be entitled to request additional data from the applicant to verify his or her identity, in order to ascertain whether the request comes from the person to whom the data actually relate

8 Information on cookies

8.1 The Website uses cookies.

8.2 Cookies  are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the Service User’s terminal equipment and are intended for use on the Website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on the terminal equipment and a unique number.

8.3 The Operator of the Website is the entity placing cookies on the Website User’s terminal equipment and accessing them.

8.4 Cookies are used for the following purposes:

8.4.1. the creation of statistics which help us to understand how Website Users use the Websites, which enables us to improve their structure and content;

8.4.2. Maintaining a session of the Service User (after logging in), thanks to which a User does not have to re-enter his/her login and password on each subpage of the Service;

8.4.3. profiling of the User in order to display him/her customised materials in advertising networks, in particular the Google network.

8.5 The Website uses two main types of cookies: “session” cookies and “persistent” cookies. “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User’s terminal equipment until the User logs out, leaves the website or switches off the software (web browser). “Persistent” cookies are stored on the User’s terminal equipment for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the User.

8.6 Web browsing software (web browser) usually allows the storage of cookies on the User’s terminal equipment by default. Users of the Website may change their settings in this regard. The Internet browser makes it possible to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies Detailed information on this subject is contained in the help or documentation of the Internet browser.

8.7 Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionality available on the Website.

8.8 Cookies placed on a Service User’s terminal equipment may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the Service Operator.

8.9 Cookies may be used by advertising networks, in particular Google, to display advertisements tailored to the manner in which a User uses the Website. For this purpose, they may retain information about the user’s navigation path or length of time spent on a particular page.

8.10. With regard to the information on the User’s preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit the information resulting from the cookies using the following tool:

9 Server logs.

9.1 Information about certain user behaviour is subject to logging at the server layer. This data is used exclusively for the administration of the website and to ensure the most efficient operation of the hosting services provided.

9.2 The resources viewed are identified by URLs. In addition, the following may be recorded:

9.2.1. the time of arrival of the request,

9.2.2. the time of sending the response,

9.2.3. the name of the client station – identification carried out by the HTTP protocol,

9.2.4. information on errors which occurred during the execution of the HTTP transaction,

9.2.5. the URL address of a page previously visited by the User (referer link), in the event that the Service was accessed via a link,

9.2.6. information about the User’s browser,

9.2.7. Information about your IP address.

9.3 The above data is not associated with specific visitors.

9.4 The above data is used only for the purpose of administration of the server.

10.1 If you do not wish to accept the above data, you may refuse to accept it.

10.1 If the User do not wish to receive cookies,  the browser settings can be changed. We stipulate that disabling cookies that are essential for authentication processes, security, maintaining user preferences may make it difficult, and in extreme cases may make it impossible, to use the websites.

10.2 To manage your cookie settings, select your browser settings and follow the instructions given