Returns & Exchanges

Complaining about a damaged shipment

Before collecting the parcel, please check in the presence of the courier whether the parcel is not damaged or whether the packaging has not been opened. If it turns out that the parcel is damaged when the courier picks it up, please draw up a damage protocol in the courier’s presence. This document is a prerequisite for positive consideration of the complaint. If there is no damage protocol, the damaged goods should be sent back at your own expense to the manufacturer’s address together with a copy of the purchase document. In this case, the case will be considered as a complaint.

Withdrawal from the contract of sale

The buyer has the full right to return the product within 14 days of receipt without giving reasons. The packaging must be properly protected for transportation. The Returned Product should be sent in the condition in which it was issued and must not bear any signs of use.

Return and exchange of goods

The Customer has the right to return or exchange products purchased from the Online Shop within 60 days from the date of purchase. The Customer shall return the product using a return or exchange form enclosing it with the returned Product to the address: Darco Sp. z o.o. 43 Metalowców St,
39-200 Dębica with the word RETURN.

The Customer shall send back the returned products at his/her own expense. The returned Product should be returned in its original packaging in the same condition as it was issued and cannot bear traces indicating its use beyond the extent necessary to ascertain the nature of the Product, its characteristics and functioning.

Documents to download:

Return form

Replacement form

Withdrawal form